Precision Pliers

Most crafts need the basic tools to get started but have you considered what type of craft pliers you will need? You may say well a simple combination plier should do the trick and many, myself included started off with a pair of these but now there are so many different types and sizes available it can be quite confusing. Generally the types that are most popular are side cutters which are used for cutting standard wire but if you are cutting precious metals we would recommend the razor sharp cutters as gold & silver being softer metals may flatten in the cutting process not giving a clean cut.

Next for jewellery makers are the various type jaws for making rings and flattening clasp and joints again there is a wide range to help with these. I recently visited a jewellery store and was amazed to see the jeweller`s work space on view and we struck up a conversation as too the pliers he found the most useful and was told the snipe nose pliers were the ones he liked the best as nose did narrow towards tips. They come with either a serrated jaw or a smooth jaw. Another interesting point he made was his pliers no longer had springs in them (although were there when purchased, but chose to remove) as he was used to using them having been a jeweller for over 50 years, but pointed out when first starting it is best to keep springs in place as actually makes them easier to use. Also he pointed out most people tended to buy only one pair of pliers, where as in fact it is far easier to have one pair to hold work and the other to work on piece rather than using a vice which again if over tightened could damage work and also you do not have to be undoing the vice every time you wish to move the piece to work on.

We also stock pliers for other crafts and hobbies including model railways. These include the Xuron track cutting pliers which are made in the USA.

If you have a moment (not that we all do dueing the summer school holidays (!) why not have a cuppa and browse our range of Craft tools at

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